Worth sharing: I never wanted to be a dad.  A big chunk of my twenties and thirties were focused on literary success.   My wife wanted a kid; my  own idea of parenting was to strap up the Baby Bjorn on weekends, use the plural with friends,  we are parenting.

Our daughter was six months old when Diana was diagnosed with advanced leukemia.   Diana passed three days before Lily’s third birthday, meaning I was forty-whatever years old, alone, grieving, broke and had and this wonderful little girl utterly dependent on me. 

I WILL DO BETTER is the story of me and Lily during our next two years. 

The title is a phrase that I promised myself, however many times a day, a phrase every parent recognizes. 

This is a love story and a fairy tale.   The best of each take you to an edge.  Lily and I do go through the fire together. Some of this book is really emotional, a lot is deeply funny.

This is the story of a flawed selfish guy taking on the most foreign thing, the hardest responsibility, the heaviest load.  It’s an exploration of parenthood and manhood.  It’s the story of a little girl and her daddy. 

I’m really proud of I WILL DO BETTER, and am excited to share it with you. 


Click here for an excerpt from the New Yorker

More excerpts from I WILL DO BETTER might be forthcoming. Check back!

Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to read the whole book on-line for free!

Click here to buy I WILL DO BETTER

Look at that cute little girl! Surely you want to read about what happens to her!